Job searching is a lot like being single and trying to date. You start by going online and searching the market. You scroll through profiles that aren’t quite the right fit. You talk to friends and ask them to introduce you to people and put feelers out there. You get desperate because the prospects aren’t good, so you start lowering your standards or getting rid of that list of non-negotiables. You find yourself messaging people you wouldn’t have given a second glance to before. You apply for jobs completely not what you would want to do or where you’d want to work, but you figure, i need practice. Where interviewing or dating, it’s kind of the same thing. Your profile or resume are your introduction to the world. People will make split-second decisions about you and your potential to be the one – one to marry, or one to hire full time, permanently. And if you make the cut, then you get an in-person meeting where you’re both sizing each other up. You’re nervous, you’re trying to make a good impression, you get turned off by a comment they make, and it’s all over. The big difference is, in the dating world you may get “ghosted”, but most employers will actually send you a nice note saying thanks, but no thanks. However, i find that both int he dating world and in job searches you can be strung along or “breadcrumbed”. When you’re dating, you can choose to be picky and say i’m done with this person. But if you’re job searching, and sometimes desperate to leave your current situation, or make money, you may still let them string you along because you need something. You may even end up taking that job,thinking that you’ll keep job searching. If you do that when dating, then you’re a d-bag.