Do you know that feeling like you know you want something better, and you know it’s out there, but you don’t have it yet? That’s the GAP. The space between where you are now, and what you have manifested. I’m in the gap right now. And I believe that part of being in the gap is looking around and taking in everything around you. There is a lesson here, so take a good look at your life. Just like when we were kids, you cannot move to the next level in a video game, or grade in school, until you’ve mastered the previous level. We are only able to move to that next place when we are able to learn the lessons of where we are now.

One of the biggest challenges I keep facing is speaking up for myself. I hate confrontation, and I don’t like to disappoint people. The problem is, when I don’t speak up, I end up disappointing myself. It’s not lost on me how many situations I have faced lately where I have been challenged to speak up for myself. So I know what I am supposed to be doing while I’m here. But sometimes knowing doesn’t make it easier. And sometimes I just need to be patient and TRUST.

Today I have already opened up so much about my struggles and where I want to go, that by the time I am writing this I feel spent. So maybe that’s why this post feels like it’s all over the place. But I came and I wrote. That is one more day sticking to my commitment. Hopefully I’ll feel more articulate tomorrow.