I was talking about shedding labels yesterday, and how I am trying to figure out who I am as a person. There are so many different things that define who I am. Or better yet, that people use to define who I am. For example, I recently changed my name on Facebook and that brought on lots of questions from people I haven’t spoken to in a while. Or the fact that I am introvert is sometimes used against me to say I’m weak or I am unfriendly. And I have often hid behind these labels because it gave me some protection. I didn’t even have to try because there was already a version of me that people were seeing, so why fight it? The problem is, after a while, I started to believe those things about me as well.

If you have ever watched or read The Secret you’ve heard about the law of attraction as it relates to our thoughts – what we think about, we create. In fact, Napoleon Hill taught

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

If we are constantly thinking about what we’re lacking, or struggling with, then we don’t allow ourselves to think of prosperity or achieving our goals. I am often made fun of because I believe in manifesting what I want. Manifest, manifest, manifest. How do you manifest? What is this weirdo talking about? Manifesting is all about bringing into our reality that which we desire or think about. The best and clearest example of manifesting what I want is my Vitamix. My ex and I had a Vitamix. We both love that blender like you have no idea. When we got separated, I left most (if not all) of the kitchen stuff to him. I really wanted nothing but the couch and a bed to sleep on. But I missed my blender. I had bought that blender when I was still single, so it should’ve been mine, but I didn’t want to fight over it. I asked if he still used it and he was adamant that he used it every day and really needed it. So I said fine, don’t worry about it, maybe I’ll win one at the holiday luncheon I’m going to. Now, I didn’t know how I could possibly win it. But I figured, why not manifest it? I started telling people I was going to win the Vitamix. And you know what happened? When they picked winners, I was the first one to get called on stage and I got to pick the first prize. I picked the Vitamix 🙂

While it’s something small, it’s tangible and it helps us believe that manifesting really works. When I’m frustrated about being in the gap, or stressed out about how I’m going to afford to do all the things I want to do, it helps to think about the Vitamix. Let me focus on what I want, and fiercely wish for it to come to me. It doesn’t matter how. I got in my head a few months ago that I needed to be a yoga teacher. And guess what? I start my training next month. It just matters that we think about it, and really want it. What do you want to manifest? What do you really want? Don’t think about how “impossible” it is for you to have it. The universe is rich. So, what are you going to ask for?