All posts by: Carmen Barboza

Travel is one of my favorite things. Maybe it’s the sociologist in me, or maybe it’s the fact that I am an expat, either way there is something about going...
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Do you often feel like all you do is worry about upcoming issues? Like sometimes, if you pause, you realize that you have spent the entire day planning ahead? For...
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Hello! My name is Carmen. I am an INFJ (introverted) HR manager by day, crossfitter, part-time yoga teacher and Reiki practitioner by night. I am obsessed with self-help books and...
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Though I’ve always loved writing, which is not the same as saying I’m good at writing, I have yet to commit to blogging. Perhaps because I feel like I’m not...
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Did you know that we spend almost half of our waking time in a sort of autopilot state? Who are we to blame for that? HABITS. According to a study...
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Job searching is a lot like being single and trying to date. You start by going online and searching the market. You scroll through profiles that aren’t quite the right...
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And just like that, nine weeks have come and gone. SO much has changed in these nine weeks that it’s hard to believe I am the same person who started...
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I am typing this as I sit at the airport waiting for my flight to Orlando. This marks the beginning of the next nine crazy weeks of my life. Between...
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I know I’ve been MIA for a couple of days. My bad. But I was very productive. And while I wasn’t writing, I still had a very cathartic weekend. You...
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I didn’t post yesterday. There are many excuses I can give. But honestly? I’m so tired. ALL. THE. TIME. I went to contemplative yoga and my body spoke to me....
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