

curated articles


And just like that, nine weeks have come and gone. SO much has changed in these nine weeks that it’s hard to believe I am the same person who started...

1,2,3 GO!

I am typing this as I sit at the airport waiting for my flight to Orlando. This marks the beginning of the next nine crazy weeks of my life. Between...

The Not-So-Alone-Loner

I know I’ve been MIA for a couple of days. My bad. But I was very productive. And while I wasn’t writing, I still had a very cathartic weekend. You...

What Are Your Numbers?

I didn’t post yesterday. There are many excuses I can give. But honestly? I’m so tired. ALL. THE. TIME. I went to contemplative yoga and my body spoke to me....

Are You Too Nice?

It really infuriates me when people say I’m too nice. Can you ever be too nice? What exactly are we saying? I think we’re all familiar with the idea that too...

What You Think, You Become

I was talking about shedding labels yesterday, and how I am trying to figure out who I am as a person. There are so many different things that define who I...