

Only the best for my clients


For Private Classes:

Contact me for evening and weekend private classes.


Reiki is a form of energy medicine whereby the practitioner sends healing vibrations to the clients using their hands (touch or no touch). 

Your First Healing Session is 1 hour long – we will discuss your motivations for seeking Reiki and discuss the process. Follow up session will last 45 minutes. My clients come to see me for a variety of reasons, ranging from stress, anxiety, pregnancy, autoimmune disease, and emotional and physical trauma.

Energy Blessing of New Home/Office/Space

I also work with clients who would like to bless a new or existing space. Together, we create a clearing and blessing ceremony using Balinese bells.


I want to help you see yourself just like I see you – truly perfect! Through coaching and different modalities I will work with you to transform yourself and let go of those barriers holding you back from achieving your true potential.


As you read this heading, is there a voice in your head already forming an opinion and making a comment? Don’t worry. We all have that voice. The problem is sometimes that voice is louder than we want it to be. Through meditation, we can learn to quiet that voice. Or rather, we learn to observe that voice as our ego and not us. Read more about my experiences with meditation and try one of my recorded guided meditations today!